Health & Safety Policy

We aim to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees and others who may be affected by our activities as far as it is reasonably practicable. We will provide such information, instruction training and supervision that may be needed for this purpose.

We fully accept our responsibilities as outlined in the Health and Safety at Work, etc. act and Regulations made under the Act and we further recognise that these legal requirements represent the minimum level of achievement and the company will strive to ensure that higher standards are reached.

Health and safety are responsibilities of management and they rank equally with all other indicators of success. Training will be provided as required to maintain the requisite levels of competency. Where required expert advice will be sought.

The company recognises the important contribution that a good safety performance can make to the overall performance of the Company by reducing injuries to ill health, protecting the environment and reducing unnecessary losses.

Through a programme of systematic risk assessment, we will evaluate and reduce all risks and provide a safe and healthy workplace, protect the environment, the community and the business.

All employees will be informed and consulted regarding our legal duties, their personal duties to themselves and others, and managerial and supervisory duties. Employees will be encouraged to participate in the making of policy as well as the implementation of procedures.